Hi, I’m Sam. I’m a science educator and bartender with a passion for beer and travel.

We all start out as beginners. I did too. I started this site for people like me: beer lovers who aren’t brewers. I’ve been drinking beer for 20 years, but only recently have learned to truly enjoy it. I knew what I liked and what I didn’t, but I never thought about why. That changed when the brewmaster at a local brewery explained how slight variations in the brewing conditions could create vastly different products. Brewing became a science and I was hooked.

I’ve made a career teaching people how things work, and in particular, the biology and chemistry behind everyday things. Working at a major craft brewery, I give lots of advice to my guests about what to drink based on their preferences. I’d like to help you grow to appreciate beer at a deeper level.

What you will find on this site

  • the science behind the brewing process and beer presentation
  • how various ingredients contribute to the taste of a beer
  • the characteristics and history of different beer styles
  • beer-related travel adventures

If you would like to hear a little more about my story, check out my post How To Get Started On Your Own Beer Journey

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